Working with soundtracks

The soundtrack is a background music that will play when you play your karaoke video. It may be an instrumental recording, a real song with removed vocals or a MIDI song converted into appropriate format. Currently Power Video Karaoke allows you to use the following file formats: WAV (Microsoft Windows soundfiles) and MP3 (constant bitrate only). To choose the soundtrack you want to use select the Load Soundtrack button or Load Soundtrack command from File menu. If it is the first time you use the specified soundtrack, Power Video Karaoke will scan it contents to increase the performance.

After the soundtrack is loaded, Power Video Karaoke displays its waveform in a soundtrack panel. The display can be scaled (by default it is 1000 samples per pixel) and each horizontal bar represents the amplitude (loudness) of a pack of samples. For stereo files, the soundtrack pane will contain two channels (separate waveforms), and only one for mono files.

You may listen to the current soundtrack û in order to do so use the commands from Play menu or Play, Stop, and Pause buttons from the toolbar. As the soundtrack is played the cursor (the yellow horizontal line) is moved along. You may change the playback position by clicking on the waveform or on the shortcut bar (placed on the left of the soundtrack pane) that represents the entire file.

The shortcut bar also allows you to change the visible area of the soundtrack (simply click at the place you want to see and the visible area will be centered around that point). There are two ways of changing the zoom û you may drag the visible area boundaries on the shortcur bar or you may use the soundtrack info window. To invoke the soundtrack info window click Soundtrack info window toolbar button. Then you may change the zoom by using the scroll arrows or entering the desired number into an edit box.